The goal of analysing the autonomic nervous system is to detect the activity of the autonomic nervous system and recognize how stress impacts the body.

Whether the parasympathetic nervous system is able to resume its function in a resting situation or the function is limited can be detected within 15 minutes.

But what if the patient is excited or had a stressful day?

The autonomic nervous system is a regulatory system that controls and regulates all our organs and organ systems depending on the existing situation.

If the patient had a stressful day or is highly excited, it will lead to increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic activity.

This means that in practice I cannot make an exact statement with just one single measurement, whether the parasympathetic nervous system can still work adequately and how many reserves are still available.

In case of conspicuous results with an increased sympathetic and a reduced parasympathetic nervous system, a second measurement should follow immediately afterwards with predefined pulsed breathing (integrated into ANS Analysis Professional).

The pulsed breathing leads to the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, thus illustrating its reserves.

heart rate variabilty autonomic nervous system

The picture above shows a conspicuous measurement with increased sympathetic nervous system (red) and decreased parasympathetic nervous system (blue) with a marked improvement of the autonomic regulation under the pulsed breathing. For more information on respiratory cycle, click here.

You can thus make a statement about the autonomic regulation within 15 minutes and recognize whether it is short-term stress (example above) or whether the stress has already manifested itself (see examples below).

Atemtaktung zeigt, ob Reserven in der HRV vorhanden sind Beispiel 2
Atemtaktung zeigt, ob Reserven in der HRV vorhanden sind Beispiel 3